ARTIST NITA PATEL UTILIZES LARGE canvases to express a personal state of mind. Unencumbered by realism, her paintings establish an immediate mood through the elements of color, pattern, and composition.
Each vibrant, restless work of art visually communicates without the limitation of practical design, illustrating a strong sense of purpose, mood, light, and space.
“There’s something so indescribably beautiful about the chaos of an abstract piece, yet there is an invisible element of structure, form, balance, color, texture,” says Patel.

Raised in the United Kingdom and Dallas, the artist brings a breadth of life impressions to her art. Patel has shown her works in Europe and the United States. Each piece reflects her vision of the world and experiences drawn from relationships, held together with spiritual mindfulness. They are emotion on canvas.
“I feel painting is my purpose. There’s a science to abstract art, which is what has drawn me into it. It’s almost a transfer of emotion—a transfer of energy,” Patel says.
The artist brings a global approach to each work. It is the means through which she presents the world as she sees and feels it. Colored vectors traverse the space in her paintings, with strokes that offer sustained contemplation through philosophical, psychological and poetic layers.
“There aren’t any rules. You don’t have to stay within the lines. You create whatever you imagine. There’s no black and white of how it has to be,” says Patel.
This imaginative freedom allows the artist to create a range of textured, vibrant oil canvases. Bold blends of color are an important element and play a significant role in each composition.

It allows you to feel different and stronger emotions. Every color is a raw form of expression in its deepest sense,” Patel says.
Majestic in the impressions they infuse, the artist’s works define a room with an overall aesthetic, creating a narrative through eye-catching imagination. They communicate in ways speech cannot.
“A painting can tell a story without words. There’s the freedom to express at the deepest level and know once it’s finished, anyone who resonates with those emotions will be drawn to it, and it will set them free,” says Patel.

Casting a spell are alluring and colorful compositions that incorporate precious and semiprecious gemstones. Full of energy, these paintings illustrate emotional and spiritual expression in an exceptional way through the use of diamonds, rubies, and gold.
“I love gems and jewels for their sparkle. That’s always a source of inspiration for me. The sparkle represents hope in our world of chaos,” Patel says.
A current collection utilizes opals to bring an emotional and spiritual response. The depth and strength of hues within the art enhance the glow of the seductive stone, adding light and brilliance.

“Opals are my muse, sensual and mysterious. Their refraction of light creates a play of spectral colors and layers of shimmering iridescence,” says Patel.
Like the opal, Patel’s exclusive art utilizes multiple layers of paint and color and is defined by her distinctive approach to painting.
“I use music and energy to get in a flow state, which allows me to create art without inhibitions. That’s where I use spiritual guidance in my creation process. My meditation practices allow me to easily access this state of mind to be immersed into a state of uninhibited creativity,” Patel says.
Not only is she an artist, Patel is also an author. An upcoming book details steps toward personal branding and professional imaging. Published by Greenleaf Book Group, it will be available on Amazon and at select bookstores in August.
“It’s a blueprint to greater self-esteem and success. It covers verbal and nonverbal communication, personal image, etiquette, etc.,” says Patel.
Art enthusiasts can see Patel’s work at an exhibition on March 5, 2020, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., at FGIII Gallery at Kings Club, 2218 Bryan St., Suite 100, Dallas.
“I want the person who sees my work to feel inspired—to allow the emotion to help them find their purpose,” Patel says.
Nancy Baldwin is a Dallas-based freelance writer and editor. Contact her at