Embarking on a new business venture during the height of a global pandemic might seem a bit high-risk—even for the savviest entrepreneurs. But it seemed the sweet spot for longtime art collectors and dealers Patrick Jones and Reyne Hirsch when they unveiled The Patrick Jones Gallery in June 2021.
The veteran collectors, each with a sharp vision to spot the most up-and-coming artists on the cutting-edge horizon, decided to team up to form a compelling modern art gallery all their own. The new 2,200-square-foot space, located in the heart of the Dallas Design District, is primarily dedicated to modern and contemporary art and offers investment-level artworks and design to both seasoned and curious collectors.

Jones has been an avid collector of 20th- and 21st-century design and art for years, and Hirsch has overseen galleries in Houston and Cincinnati. She is also a former appraiser on Antiques Roadshow, a published author and an advisor to museums, corporate collections and private buyers.
“Pat and I are longtime friends,” says Hirsch. “As his collection exceeded his personal space, he decided it would be great to open an art gallery and share some of his earlier-found artists’ works with other contemporary art collectors. So, he reached out, knowing I have owned galleries in the past, to see if I would have an interest in teaming up with him to launch a gallery filled with all the things we personally love and collect, along with artists we feel are on the cusp of finding their own space in the art world.”

Step into the gallery and you will find anything from Andy Warhol to Banksy. Other notable artists include Invader, Daniel Arsham and Jim Dicke. There are also hundreds of original pieces, sculpture, design and prints for commercial spaces. Quarterly, the gallery hosts themed shows such as all-women artists, works from leading European artists, muralists, NFTs and more.

One of the current highlighted pieces is a Daniel Arsham 7-foot-tall sculpture modeled from the Venus de Milo in the Louvre. The gallery also houses an array of Max Zorn artworks made from different colors of packing tape that are incredibly intricate and make fascinating backlit works of art. Zorn’s work is also currently on exhibit at the Erarta Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
“While neither Pat nor I are artists, we both have a strong background in design, as well as buying and selling at auction,” says Hirsch. “We follow the markets very closely and understand what determines if an artist will be here for the moment or for many years to come.”

The gallery’s clientele varies from curious new art enthusiasts to experienced collectors. Because of its proximity to the Dallas Design District, the gallery also can work closely with interior designers in both residential and commercial spaces.

quartz and selenite, 7′ x 2′ x 2′
“There are several aspects of owning a gallery we greatly enjoy,” says Hirsch. “First, finding up-and-coming artists working in unique mediums to present to our customers. And second, seeing artists’ work we have curated installed in the client’s home or business and witnessing how it brings the space to life.”
Opening a gallery during a pandemic is not something most people would opt to do. But The Patrick Jones Gallery was actually scheduled to open seven months earlier than it did.
“Due to delays with permitting, our gallery stayed locked up, filled with beautiful things just waiting for clients to see,” recalls Hirsch. “The most exciting moment for us was opening day for two reasons—because we simply thought the day would never come [she laughs]. And because the turnout and support by the community were well worth the wait.”
Jeanne de Lathouder currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama, where she works as a freelance writer for books and publications across the country. Contact her at jdelathouder@gmail.com.