Lisa Floyd / Co-Chair
Carrie Barron / Co-Chair
Bryan Yates / Chair Elect
Dana Bass / Shadow Chair-Elect
Karen Parks / Programs Co-Chair
Kimberly Partyka / Financial
Jennifer Mueller / Emerging Professional Co-Chair
Bill O’Connor / Audio/Visual
Matthew Collins / Membership Chair
Traci Connell / Design Ovation Chair
Sharon Hargrove / Eblast and Emerging
Professional Co-Chair
Sherry Zuch / Programs Co-Chair
Sonya Pickens / Secretary & Emerging
Professional Co-Chair
Kristi Hopper / Social Media
Photo Location / RenCollection
THE 2020 Design Ovation Awards celebrates and honors the winners of a juried design competition that includes residential interior design, commercial interior design, outdoor spaces, historical renovation/preservation, emerging designers, student designers and much more. The following pages showcase the first and second place winners in all the categories, including Best in Show.